Every Wednesday at Noon will bring you some beautiful music in the park.
August 7th-Jonny Moonbeam
Busy scrolling through his intergalactic newsfeed, lunar lad of mystery jonny moonbeam totally did not see that spy satellite he clipped, summarily crashing his spacecraft just outside Ottawa and catapulting right into the middle of a parliamentary debate on distracted driving.
He thought this was hilarious. Now stranded in Winnipeg awaiting ship repairs, he's been parsing CPAC and writing songs about Canadian politics and 21st century living.
Digging on 90's Much Music reruns, vintage Brit rock and any singer whose ever raised a voice for social justice, Moonbeam (a dead ringer for Daniel Jordan of Red Moon Road) reveals a brand new 4 song collection of political rockers (Co-Produced with Rusty Matyas of Imaginary Cities and mixed/mastered by Grammy nominated Phil Bova).
Tackling the Sunny Ways of a certain well quaffed PM, the non-existent clothes of an orange-tinted-emperor-baby-with-a-hand-complex and what it means to 'stand on guard for thee', jonny moonbeam waxes power pop politically poetic.